iklan baris

Iklan Baris

iklan baris

02 Maret 2010

McDonnell Douglas DC-10

The McDonnell Douglas DC-10 adalah tiga mesin widebody pesawat, dengan dua mesin yang dipasang pada tiang dan underwing mesin ketiga di dasar stabilizer vertikal. The DC-10 has range for medium to long haul flights. DC-10 memiliki range untuk menengah untuk penerbangan jarak jauh. The model was a successor to the company's DC-8 for long-range operations, and competed in the same markets as the Lockheed L-1011 Tristar , which has a similar layout to the DC-10. Model adalah penerus perusahaan DC-8 untuk operasi jangka panjang, dan berkompetisi di pasar yang sama seperti Lockheed L-1011 Tristar, yang memiliki layout yang mirip dengan DC-10.

Production of the DC-10 ended in 1989 with 386 delivered to airlines and 60 to the US Air Force as air-to-air refueling tankers , designated the KC-10 Extender . [ 1 ] The DC-10 was succeeded by the related McDonnell Douglas MD-11 which entered service in 1990. Produksi DC-10 berakhir pada 1989 dengan 386 diserahkan kepada maskapai penerbangan dan 60 ke US Air Force sebagai udara-ke-udara pengisian bahan bakar kapal tanker, ditetapkan sebagai KC-10 Extender. [1] The DC-10 digantikan oleh yang bersangkutan McDonnell Douglas MD-11 yang mulai beroperasi pada 1990.


Following an unsuccessful proposal for the US Air Force's CX-HLS (Heavy Logistics System) in 1965, Douglas Aircraft began design studies based on its CX-HLS design. Setelah gagal membuat proposal untuk US Air Force's CX-HLS (Heavy Logistics System) pada tahun 1965, Douglas Aircraft mulai studi desain berdasarkan desain CX-HLS. In 1966, American Airlines offered a specification to manufacturers for a widebody aircraft smaller than the Boeing 747 but capable of flying similar long-range routes from airports with shorter runways. Pada tahun 1966, American Airlines menawarkan spesifikasi manufaktur untuk pesawat widebody lebih kecil dari Boeing 747 tetapi mampu terbang jarak jauh serupa rute dari bandara dengan landasan pacu pendek. The DC-10 became McDonnell Douglas's first commercial airliner after the merger between McDonnell Aircraft Corporation and Douglas Aircraft Company in 1967. [ 2 ] DC-10 McDonnell Douglas menjadi komersial pertama pesawat setelah merger antara McDonnell Aircraft Corporation dan Douglas Aircraft Company tahun 1967. [2]

The DC-10 was first ordered by launch customers American Airlines with 25 orders, and United Airlines with 30 orders and 30 options in 1968. [ 3 ] The DC-10, a series 10 model, made its first flight on August 29, 1970. [ 4 ] Following a flight test program with 929 flights covering 1,551 hours, the DC-10 was awarded a type certificate from the FAA on July 29, 1971. [ 5 ] It entered commercial service with American Airlines on August 5, 1971 on a round trip flight between Los Angeles and Chicago. DC-10 pertama kali diperintahkan oleh pelanggan peluncuran American Airlines dengan 25 perintah, dan United Airlines dengan 30 pesanan dan 30 opsi pada tahun 1968. [3] The DC-10, 10 serangkaian model, membuat penerbangan pertamanya pada 29 Agustus 1970 . [4] Setelah program pengujian penerbangan dengan 1.551 yang meliputi 929 jam penerbangan, pesawat DC-10 tipe dianugerahi sertifikat dari FAA pada 29 Juli 1971. [5] It memasuki layanan komersial dengan American Airlines pada 5 Agustus 1971 di perjalanan bundar penerbangan antara Los Angeles dan Chicago. United Airlines began DC-10 service on August 16, 1971. [ 6 ] The DC-10's similarity to the L-1011 in terms of passenger capacity and launch in the same timeframe resulted in a head to head sales competition which affected profitability of the aircraft. United Airlines DC-10 mulai pelayanan pada tanggal 16 Agustus 1971. [6] The DC-10's kesamaan dengan L-1011 dalam hal kapasitas penumpang dan meluncurkan dalam rentang waktu yang sama menghasilkan kepala untuk memimpin persaingan penjualan yang mempengaruhi profitabilitas pesawat.

Northwest Airlines DC-10-30 Northwest Airlines DC-10-30

The first DC-10 version was the "domestic" series 10 with a range of 3,800 miles (3,300 nmi, 6,110 km) with a typical passenger load and a range of 2,710 miles (2,350 nmi, 4,360 km) with maximum payload. Yang pertama versi DC-10 adalah "domestik" seri 10 dengan kisaran 3.800 mil (3.300 nm, 6.110 km) dengan beban penumpang yang khas dan sejumlah 2.710 mil (2.350 nm, 4.360 km) dengan muatan maksimum. The series 15 had a typical load range of 4,350 miles (3,780 nmi, 7,000 km). [ 7 ] [ 8 ] The series 20 was powered by Pratt & Whitney JT9D engines, whereas the series 10 and 30 engines were General Electric CF6. 15 seri memiliki beban khas kisaran 4.350 mil (3.780 nm, 7.000 km). [7] [8] Seri 20 ini didukung oleh Pratt & Whitney JT9D mesin, sedangkan seri 10 dan 30 mesin itu General Electric CF6. Before delivery of its aircraft, Northwest's president asked that the "series 20" aircraft be redesignated "series 40" because the aircraft was much improved over the original design. Sebelum pengiriman dari pesawat, Northwest presiden meminta agar "seri 20" pesawat akan redesignated "seri 40" karena pesawat itu jauh meningkat pada rancangan aslinya. The FAA issued the Series 40 certificate on October 27, 1972. [ 9 ] FAA mengeluarkan Seri 40 sertifikat pada 27 Oktober 1972. [9]

The series 30 and 40 were the longer range "international" versions. Seri 30 dan 40 adalah rentang lagi "internasional" versi. One of the main visible differences between the models is that the series 10 has three sets of landing gear (one front and two main) while the series 30 and 40 have four gear (one front, three main). Salah satu yang terlihat utama perbedaan antara model-model adalah bahwa seri 10 memiliki tiga landing gear set (satu depan dan dua utama), sedangkan seri 30 dan 40 memiliki empat gigi (satu depan, tiga hal utama). The center main two-wheel landing gear (which extends from the center of the fuselage) was added to accommodate the extra weight by distributing the weight and providing additional braking. Pusat utama roda dua roda pendarat (yang memanjang dari pusat pesawat) telah ditambahkan untuk mengakomodasi kelebihan berat badan dengan mendistribusikan berat dan memberikan pengereman tambahan. The series 30 had a typical load range of 6,220 mi (10,010 km) and a maximum payload range of 4,604 mi (7,410 km). 30 seri memiliki beban khas kisaran 6.220 ² (10.010 km) dan payload maksimum kisaran 4.604 mi (7.410 km). The series 40 had a typical load range of 5,750 miles (9,265 km) and a maximum payload range of 4,030 miles (3,500 nmi, 6,490 km). [ 7 ] [ 10 ] Seri 40 memiliki beban khas kisaran 5.750 mil (9.265 km) dan payload maksimum kisaran 4.030 mil (3.500 nm, 6.490 km). [7] [10]

Eventually, the DC-10 was able to distinguish itself from its competitors with two engine options, as well as earlier introduction of longer range variants than the L-1011. Akhirnya, DC-10 mampu membedakan diri dari para pesaingnya dengan dua pilihan mesin, serta pengenalan sebelumnya lagi kisaran varian dari L-1011. The 446th and final DC-10 rolled off the production line in December 1988 and was delivered to Nigeria Airways in July 1989. [ 11 ] The DC-10 was assembled at McDonnell Douglas's Douglas Products Division in Long Beach, California . [ 1 ] As the final few DC-10 deliveries were occurring, McDonnell Douglas had already started production of the DC-10's successor, the MD-11 . [ 12 ] 446 dan terakhir yang DC-10 berguling dari jalur produksi pada bulan Desember 1988 dan dikirim ke Nigeria Airways pada bulan Juli 1989. [11] The DC-10 sedang berkumpul di Douglas McDonnell Douglas Divisi Produk di Long Beach, California. [1] Sebagai beberapa akhir pengiriman DC-10 itu terjadi, McDonnell Douglas sudah mulai produksi DC-10's penerus, yang MD-11. [12]


FedEx DC-10 landing FedEx DC-10 mendarat

The DC-10 is a low-wing cantilever monoplane with a conventional tail unit with a single fin and rudder. DC-10 adalah rendah penopang pesawat udara bersayap sepasang sayap dengan ekor konvensional unit dengan satu sirip dan kemudi. It is powered by two turbofan engines mounted on underwing pylons and a third engine at the base of the vertical stabilizer. Hal ini didukung oleh dua mesin turbofan underwing terpasang pada tiang dan mesin ketiga di dasar stabilizer vertikal. It has a retractable tricycle landing gear. Memiliki sepeda roda tiga retractable landing gear. The later series 30 and 40 have an additional two-wheel main landing gear on the centerline of the fuselage. Kemudian seri 30 dan 40 memiliki tambahan dua roda pendarat utama di tengah pesawat. It was designed to be a medium to long-range airliner with a widebody fuselage to seat over 250 passengers. Hal ini dirancang untuk menjadi menengah dan panjang jarak pesawat dengan pesawat widebody untuk menampung lebih dari 250 penumpang. It is operated by a flight-crew of three located on the flightdeck in the nose on the same level as the passenger cabin. Hal ini dioperasikan oleh awak pesawat-tiga yang terletak di dalam hidung flightdeck pada tingkat yang sama dengan kabin penumpang. The fuselage has underfloor stowage for cargo and baggage. Pesawat telah Underfloor pergudangan untuk kargo dan bagasi.


Japan Airlines DC-10 cockpit Japan Airlines DC-10 kokpit

Japan Airlines DC-10-40 Japan Airlines DC-10-40

The DC-10 was manufactured in a number of different variants: DC-10 diproduksi dalam berbagai varian:

  • DC-10-10 (122 built): Original version, produced from 1970. DC-10-10 (122 dibangun): Versi asli, diproduksi dari 1970. The DC-10-10 was equipped with GE CF6-6 engines, which was the first civil engine from the successful CF6-family. DC-10-10 dilengkapi dengan GE CF6-6 engine, yang merupakan mesin sipil pertama dari CF6-keluarga yang sukses.
  • DC-10-15 (7 built): Also known as the "DC-10 Sport", designed for use at hot high-altitude airports. DC-10-15 (7 dibangun): Juga dikenal sebagai "DC-10 Sport", dirancang untuk penggunaan di ketinggian panas bandara. The series 15 was fitted with higher-thrust GE CF6-50C2F (derated -30 engines) powerplants. Seri 15 ini dilengkapi dengan GE dorong lebih tinggi CF6-50C2F (derated mesin -30) powerplants. Only built for Mexican carriers Aeroméxico and Mexicana . Hanya dibangun untuk pembawa Meksiko Aeromexico dan Mexicana. Produced between 1979 and 1982. Diproduksi antara tahun 1979 dan 1982.
  • DC-10-20 : Proposed but unbuilt DC-10-10 powered by Pratt & Whitney JT9D turbofans. DC-10-20: Usulan tapi unbuilt DC-10-10 didukung oleh Pratt & Whitney JT9D turbofan. With minimal airline interest for the original -20, the name was initially recycled to cover the Pratt-powered version of the intercontinental-range DC-10-30. Dengan sedikit bunga maskapai -20 asli, nama awalnya didaur ulang untuk menutupi Pratt-powered versi jarak antar-DC-10-30. Northwest, one of the launch customers for this longer-range JT9D-powered DC-10 requested the name change to -40 (see -40 entry below). Barat laut, salah satu peluncuran pelanggan untuk jangka panjang ini JT9D-powered DC-10 meminta perubahan nama ke -40 (-40 lihat entri di bawah).
  • DC-10-30 (163 built): The most common model, built with General Electric CF6-50 turbofan engines and larger fuel tanks to increase range and fuel efficiency, as well as a set of rear center landing gear to support the increased weight. DC-10-30 (163 dibangun): Model yang paling umum, yang dibangun dengan General Electric CF6-50 turbofan mesin dan tangki bahan bakar yang lebih besar untuk meningkatkan jangkauan dan efisiensi bahan bakar, serta seperangkat pusat belakang landing gear untuk mendukung peningkatan berat . It was the second long-range model after the -40 and very popular with European flag carriers. Ini kedua model jangka panjang setelah -40 dan sangat populer dengan pembawa bendera Eropa. Produced from 1972 to 1988, the DC-10-30 was delivered to 38 different customers. Produced 1972-1988, DC-10-30 adalah disampaikan sampai 38 pelanggan yang berbeda.
  • DC-10-30ER (6 built): Extended range version. DC-10-30ER (6 dibangun): Extended range version. The first aircraft was delivered to Finnair in 1981, followed by Swissair with two aircraft in 1982 and finally Thai Airways International with two in 1987 and one in 1988. Pesawat pertama disampaikan ke Finnair pada tahun 1981, diikuti oleh Swissair dengan dua pesawat pada tahun 1982 dan akhirnya Thai Airways International dengan dua pada 1987 dan satu pada tahun 1988. The -30ER aircraft have a higher Maximum Take Off Weight of 580,000 lb (263,160 kg), are powered by three GE CF6-50C2B engines each producing 54,000 lb of thrust and are equipped with an additional fuel tank in the rear cargo hold providing an additional 700 mi of range (6,600 mi/5,730 nmi/10,620 km). The-30ER pesawat memiliki maksimum yang lebih tinggi Berat Take Off £ 580.000 (263.160 kg), yang didukung oleh tiga CF6-50C2B GE masing-masing memproduksi mesin £ 54.000 dorong dan dilengkapi dengan tangki bahan bakar tambahan di bagian belakang kargo memberikan tambahan jangkauan 700 mi (6,600 mi / 5.730 nmi/10, 620 km). In 1983, United Airlines leased three DC-10-30s from CP Air . Pada tahun 1983, United Airlines disewa tiga DC-10-30-an dari CP Air. These aircraft were modified to -30ER standards to allow the US carrier to fly non-stop on its Seattle-Hong Kong route. Pesawat ini dimodifikasi untuk-30ER standar untuk memungkinkan maskapai AS untuk terbang non-stop pada Seattle-Hong Kong rute. When returned to the Canadian operators, these aircraft were kept in that version and two more DC-10-30s were converted by Canadian Airlines to extended range specifications. Ketika kembali ke Kanada operator, pesawat ini disimpan dalam versi dan dua DC-10-30-an yang dikonversi oleh Canadian Airlines untuk memperluas jangkauan spesifikasi.
  • DC-10-30AF (11 built): The all freight version production could have started in 1979 if Alitalia had confirmed its order for two aircraft then. DC-10-30AF (11 dibangun): versi kargo yang semua bisa produksi mulai tahun 1979 jika Alitalia telah menegaskan agar dua pesawat itu. Thus, that variant of the trijet was only launched into production in May 1984 with the first order for five aircraft from FedEx. Demikian, bahwa varian dari trijet hanya diluncurkan ke dalam produksi Mei 1984 dengan urutan pertama selama lima pesawat dari FedEx. The express carrier ordered more DC-10-30AF in July 1985 to bring its order to twelve freighters. Pembawa ekspres memerintahkan lebih DC-10-30AF pada Juli 1985 untuk membawa nya untuk dua belas kargo. The last two were later canceled as the carrier was building up a fleet of second hand aircraft, and reconfigured to passenger by the manufacturer and sold to Biman Bangladesh and Nigeria Airways respectively. Dua yang terakhir itu kemudian dibatalkan sebagai pembawa adalah membangun armada pesawat tangan kedua, dan ulang untuk penumpang oleh pabrikan dan dijual kepada Biman Bangladesh dan Nigeria Airways masing-masing.

KC-10 Extender during refueling KC-10 Extender selama pengisian bahan bakar
  • DC-10-40 (42 built): Produced from 1973 to 1983, [ 13 ] this was the first long-range version, fitted with Pratt & Whitney JT9D engines. DC-10-40 (42 dibangun): Produced 1973-1983, [13] ini adalah pertama versi jarak jauh, dilengkapi dengan Pratt & Whitney JT9D mesin. Originally designated DC-10-20, this model was renamed DC-10-40 after a special request from Northwest Orient Airlines as the aircraft was much improved compared to its original design, with a higher MTOW (on par with the Series 30) and more powerful engines, the airline's president wanted to advertise he had the latest version. Awalnya ditunjuk DC-10-20, model ini diganti namanya menjadi DC-10-40 setelah ada permintaan khusus dari Timur Northwest Airlines saat pesawat itu jauh meningkat dibandingkan dengan rancangan aslinya, dengan MTOW yang lebih tinggi (setara dengan Seri 30) dan mesin lebih kuat, presiden maskapai ingin mengiklankan ia memiliki versi terbaru. Northwest Orient Airlines and Japan Airlines were the only airlines to order the series 40 with 22 and 20 aircraft respectively. Northwest Orient Airlines dan Japan Airlines adalah satu-satunya perusahaan penerbangan untuk memesan seri 40 dengan 22 dan 20 pesawat masing-masing. The DC-10-40s delivered to Northwest were first equipped with three Pratt & Whitney JT9D-15 producing 45,700 lbf (203.3 kN) of take off thrust, before the introduction of the JT9D-25W, generating 50,000 lbf (222.4 kN) of thrust through water injection), [ 14 ] and had a MTOW of 555,000 lb (251,815 kg), while those produced for Japan Airlines were equipped with P&W JT9D-49A that produced a maximum thrust of 53,000 lbf (235.8 kN) and had a MTOW of 565,000 lb (256,350 kg). DC-10-40-an disampaikan kepada Northwest pertama kali dilengkapi dengan tiga Pratt & Whitney JT9D-15 menghasilkan 45.700 lbf (203,3 kN) dari melepas dorongan, sebelum pengenalan JT9D-25W, menghasilkan 50.000 lbf (222,4 kN) dorong melalui air injeksi), [14] dan memiliki MTOW dari £ 555.000 (251.815 kg), sedangkan yang diproduksi untuk Japan Airlines dilengkapi dengan P & W JT9D-49A yang diproduksi dorong maksimum 53.000 lbf (235,8 kN) dan memiliki MTOW dari £ 565.000 (256.350 kg).
  • DC-10-50 (none built): This was a proposed version with Rolls-Royce RB211-524 engines for British Airways. DC-10-50 (tidak dibangun): Ini adalah versi yang diusulkan dengan Rolls-Royce RB211-524 mesin untuk British Airways. Such an order never came and the plans for the DC-10-50 were abandoned. [ 15 ] Perintah semacam itu tidak pernah datang dan rencana untuk DC-10-50 orang ditinggalkan. [15]
  • KC-10A Extender (60 built): Military version of the DC-10-30 used for aerial refueling . KC-10A Extender (60 dibangun): Militer versi DC-10-30 digunakan untuk pengisian bahan bakar udara. The aircraft was ordered by the US Air Force. Pesawat diperintahkan oleh US Air Force. Produced from 1981. Diproduksi dari 1981. It is the longest-ranged production aircraft in the world. Itu adalah terpanjang-produksi berkisar antara pesawat di dunia.
  • KDC-10 (4 built): Aerial refueling tanker for the Royal Netherlands Air Force . KDC-10 (4 pesawat): Aerial tanker pengisian bahan bakar untuk Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Belanda. Converted from civil airliners (DC-10-30CF) to a similar standard as the KC-10. Dikonversi dari pesawat sipil (DC-10-30CF) untuk standar yang sama sebagai KC-10. Also, commercial refueling companies Omega Air and Global Airtanker Service operate two KDC-10 tanker for lease. [ 16 ] [ 17 ] Juga, perusahaan tempat pengisian bahan bakar komersial Omega Air dan Global Layanan Airtanker mengoperasikan dua tanker KDC-10 untuk sewa. [16] [17]

The 10 Tanker during a water drop demonstration The 10 Tanker selama demonstrasi tetesan air
  • MD-10 : This was retrofit cockpit upgrade to the DC-10 and a re-designation to MD-10 . MD-10: Ini adalah kokpit retrofit upgrade ke DC-10 dan ulang penunjukan untuk MD-10. The upgrade included an Advanced Common Flightdeck (ACF) used on the MD-11. [ 18 ] The new cockpit eliminated the need for the flight engineer position and allowed common type rating with the MD-11. Upgrade termasuk sebuah common Advanced Flightdeck (ACF) yang digunakan pada MD-11. [18] kokpit baru menghilangkan kebutuhan untuk insinyur penerbangan dan membiarkan posisi Common rating tipe dengan MD-11. This allows companies such as FedEx Express , which operate both the MD-10 and MD-11, to have a common pilot pool for both aircraft. Hal ini memungkinkan perusahaan seperti FedEx Express, yang beroperasi baik MD-10 dan MD-11, untuk memiliki kolam renang umum untuk kedua pilot pesawat. The MD-10 conversion now falls under the Boeing Converted Freighter program where Boeing's international affiliate companies perform the conversions. [ 19 ] MD-10 konversi sekarang berada di bawah Dermaga Dikonversi Boeing Boeing program di mana perusahaan afiliasi internasional melakukan konversi. [19]

Insiden dan kecelakaan

As of August 2009, the DC-10 was involved in 55 incidents, [ 20 ] including 30 hull-loss accidents , [ 21 ] with 1,261 fatalities. [ 22 ] Pada Agustus 2009, pesawat DC-10 terlibat dalam insiden 55, [20] termasuk 30 lambung-kerugian kecelakaan, [21] dengan 1.261 korban jiwa. [22]

Despite its troubled beginnings in the 1970s, which gave it an unfavorable reputation, [ 23 ] the DC-10 has proved a reliable aircraft. [ 24 ] The original DC-10-10's bad safety record continuously improved as design flaws were rectified and fleet hours increased. Meskipun bermasalah awal tahun 1970-an, yang memberikan reputasi yang tidak menguntungkan, [23] DC-10 telah terbukti pesawat yang handal. [24] yang asli DC-10-10 catatan keamanan yang buruk terus ditingkatkan sebagai cacat desain yang diperbaiki dan armada jam meningkat. The DC-10's lifetime safety record is comparable to similar second-generation passenger jets as of 2008. [ 25 ] DC-10's seumur hidup catatan keamanan yang sebanding dengan serupa generasi kedua jet penumpang pada 2008. [25]

Kargo masalah pintu

A problem with the outward-opening cargo door was first identified on June 12, 1972, when American Airlines Flight 96 lost its aft cargo door after takeoff from Detroit, Michigan . Sebuah masalah dengan keluar-membuka pintu kargo pertama kali diidentifikasi pada 12 Juni 1972, ketika American Airlines Penerbangan 96 kehilangan pintu kargo belakang setelah lepas landas dari Detroit, Michigan. Fortunately, the crew was able to perform an emergency landing with some of the aircraft's control surfaces disabled. Untungnya, para kru bisa melakukan pendaratan darurat dengan beberapa pesawat kontrol permukaan yang dinonaktifkan. Aileron controls and differential thrust of the wing engines were used to control the DC-10. [ 26 ] Before Flight 96 took off, an airport employee had forced the door shut, weakening the locking pin and causing the door to blow out as the airliner reached altitude. [ 27 ] Diferensial Aileron kontrol dan tekanan dari sayap mesin yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan DC-10. [26] 96 Penerbangan Sebelum berangkat, seorang karyawan bandara telah memaksa pintu tertutup, melemahkan dan menyebabkan pin mengunci pintu untuk meniup sebagai pesawat mencapai ketinggian. [27]

The DC-10 was designed with cargo doors that opened outward instead of inward-opening "plug-type" doors. DC-10 ini dirancang dengan pintu kargo yang membuka ke arah luar daripada ke dalam-pembukaan "plug-type" pintu. Using outward-opening doors allowed the cargo area to be completely filled since the door was not occupying usable space. Menggunakan luar-membuka pintu kargo memungkinkan area yang akan terisi penuh karena pintu itu tidak menempati ruang digunakan. To secure the door against the outward force caused by the pressurization of the fuselage, outward-opening doors rely on a heavy locking mechanism. Untuk mengamankan pintu terhadap gaya luar yang disebabkan oleh tekanan udara pesawat, luar-membuka pintu bergantung pada mekanisme penguncian yang berat. In the event of a complete door lock malfunction, there was potential for explosive decompression . [ 28 ] Dalam hal terjadi kerusakan kunci pintu lengkap, ada potensi untuk dekompresi eksplosif. [28]

In 2006, FedEx became the first US carrier to equip its aircraft with an anti-missile defense system. Pada tahun 2006, FedEx menjadi pembawa AS pertama untuk melengkapi pesawatnya dengan anti-sistem pertahanan rudal. The gray oval Northrop Grumman Guardian pod can be seen on the belly of this FedEx MD-10 between and just aft of the main landing gear. Oval abu-abu Northrop Grumman Guardian pod dapat dilihat pada perut FedEx ini MD-10 antara dan hanya di belakang roda pendaratan utama.

Although many carriers voluntarily modified the cargo doors and re-trained their ground crews, there was not yet a mandatory rework of the system. Meskipun banyak operator secara sukarela memodifikasi pintu kargo dan dilatih kembali tanah mereka awak, belum ada wajib pengerjaan ulang dari sistem. Severe problems still persisted with the aircraft's cargo doors, and two years after the American Airlines incident, an almost identical cargo door blow-out caused Turkish Airlines Flight 981 to crash into a forest near the town of Ermenonville shortly after leaving Paris on March 3, 1974. Masalah berat masih bertahan dengan pintu kargo pesawat, dan dua tahun setelah insiden American Airlines, yang hampir identik pintu kargo yang disebabkan ban pecah Turkish Airlines Penerbangan 981 untuk menabrak sebuah hutan dekat kota Ermenonville lama setelah meninggalkan Paris pada tanggal 3 Maret 1974. 346 people were killed in one of the deadliest air crashes of the twentieth century. 346 orang tewas dalam salah satu kecelakaan udara mematikan dari abad kedua puluh. Circumstances of this crash were similar to the previous accident. Keadaan kecelakaan ini mirip dengan kecelakaan sebelumnya. However, a modified seating configuration on the Turkish aircraft exacerbated the effects of decompression which caused the floor of the aircraft to collapse into the cargo bay. Namun, tempat duduk yang telah dimodifikasi konfigurasi di pesawat Turki memperburuk efek dekompresi yang menyebabkan lantai pesawat runtuh ke teluk kargo. As part of the DC-10 design, vents were not adequate to allow the pressure between the cargo and passenger compartments to equalize. Sebagai bagian dari DC-10 desain, ventilasi tidak memadai untuk memungkinkan tekanan antara kompartemen kargo dan penumpang untuk menyamakan. Control cables running through the floor of the plane were severed when the floor collapsed and this rendered the aircraft uncontrollable. [ 29 ] Following this crash, all DC-10s underwent mandatory door modifications. [ 30 ] Kabel kontrol berjalan melalui lantai pesawat diputus saat lantai runtuh dan ini membuat pesawat tak terkendali. [29] Setelah kecelakaan ini, semua DC-10s pintu wajib mengalami modifikasi. [30]

American Airlines Penerbangan 191

In 1979, with the cargo door issues resolved, the DC-10s experienced another major accident with the crash of American Airlines Flight 191 . Pada tahun 1979, dengan pintu kargo masalah diselesaikan, DC-10s mengalami kecelakaan besar lainnya dengan kecelakaan American Airlines Penerbangan 191. Flight 191 lost its number one wing engine after taking off from O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, USA, May 25, 1979. [ 31 ] As the engine separated upwards, it ripped through the leading edge of the wing, rupturing hydraulic lines which caused a hydraulic cylinder that locked the port wing slats to fail. Penerbangan 191 kehilangan nomor satu sayap mesin setelah lepas landas dari Bandara Internasional O'Hare di Chicago, AS, 25 Mei 1979. [31] Karena dipisahkan mesin ke atas, itu merobek tepi memimpin sayap, saluran hidrolik yang pecah menyebabkan silinder hidrolik yang mengunci bilah sayap pelabuhan untuk gagal. As airspeed was reduced per AA emergency climb-out procedures, the slats retracted, the left wing stalled, the plane rolled left and crashed before the flight crew could recover. Seperti kecepatan dikurangi per AA memanjat-keluar darurat prosedur, mencabut bilah, sayap kiri terhenti, pesawat berguling kiri dan jatuh sebelum awak pesawat bisa pulih. All 271 people on board, plus two on the ground, were killed in this accident; the worst single plane crash in America. Semua 271 orang di kapal, ditambah dua di tanah, tewas dalam kecelakaan ini; satu yang terburuk kecelakaan pesawat di Amerika.

The United States National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) officials discovered that a maintenance procedure was the culprit: American Airlines mechanics had removed the engine and its pylon together, rather than removing the engine from the pylon then the pylon from the wing, as recommended by McDonnell Douglas. Amerika Serikat Dewan Keselamatan Transportasi Nasional (NTSB) pejabat menemukan bahwa prosedur perawatan lah pelakunya: American Airlines mekanika telah dihapus mesin dan tiang bersama-sama, bukan memindahkan mesin dari tiang maka tiang dari sayap, seperti yang direkomendasikan oleh McDonnell Douglas. This was done using a forklift and the pylon was inadvertently cracked in the process. Ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan forklift dan tiang itu sengaja retak dalam proses. The short-cut procedure, thought to save several man hours on maintenance, was used by three major airlines, although McDonnell Douglas advised against it. [ 32 ] In November 1979, the FAA fined American Airlines $500,000 for using this faulty maintenance procedure. Memotong pendek prosedur, berpikir untuk menyimpan beberapa pria jam perawatan, digunakan oleh tiga maskapai besar, meskipun McDonnell Douglas menyarankan agar hal itu. [32] Pada bulan November 1979, American Airlines FAA didenda $ 500.000 untuk menggunakan prosedur pemeliharaan yang rusak ini. Continental Airlines was fined $100,000 on a similar charge. [ 32 ] [ 33 ] Continental Airlines didenda $ 100.000 tuduhan serupa. [32] [33]

The Chicago incident also highlighted a major deficiency in the DC-10 design—its lack of a locking mechanism to maintain the position of the leading-edge slats in the event of a hydraulic or pneumatic failure. [ 32 ] Other wide-body aircraft of the day carried such a feature. Chicago insiden juga menyoroti kekurangan utama dalam desain DC-10-kurangnya sebuah mekanisme penguncian untuk mempertahankan posisi terdepan dalam acara palang hidrolik atau pneumatik kegagalan. [32] lainnya pesawat berbadan lebar dari hari membawa fitur tersebut. Another deficiency highlighted in the NTSB report was the vulnerable placement of wiring at the leading edge (front) of the wing. Kekurangan lain yang disorot dalam laporan NTSB adalah penempatan rentan pemasangan kabel di tepi depan (depan) dari sayap. When the engine pulled up and over the wing, it tore out these lines, thus rendering vital warning instruments in the cockpit inoperable. Ketika mesin ditarik ke atas dan di atas sayap, itu merobek garis-garis ini, dengan demikian memberikan peringatan penting instrumen di kokpit bisa dioperasi. Other aircraft of this era typically placed this kind of wiring in the center of the wing, in a less vulnerable position. [ citation needed ] Following the Chicago crash, the type certificate of the DC-10 was withdrawn by the FAA , grounding the aircraft, on June 6, 1979. Pesawat lain dari era ini biasanya ditempatkan kabel semacam ini di tengah-tengah sayap, dalam posisi yang kurang rentan. [Rujukan?] Mengikuti Chicago kecelakaan, maka sertifikat jenis dari DC-10 ditarik oleh FAA, landasan pesawat , pada 6 Juni 1979. The aircraft resumed service after modifications which prevented the slats retracting in the event of a hydraulic leak. Pesawat layanan dilanjutkan setelah modifikasi yang mencegah mencabut bilah apabila terjadi kebocoran hidrolik.

United Airlines Penerbangan 232

Another instance of a DC-10 crash was the Flight 232 disaster at Sioux City, Iowa , USA, on July 19, 1989. Contoh lain dari DC-10 kecelakaan adalah bencana Penerbangan 232 di Sioux City, Iowa, Amerika Serikat, pada 19 Juli 1989. After the #2 engine (tail engine) suffered an uncontained fan disk failure in flight which ruptured critical hydraulic lines, the crew, led by Captain Al Haynes and assisted by a senior pilot flying as a passenger ( Dennis E. "Denny" Fitch ), performed an emergency landing by varying remaining engine power to control the plane. Setelah # 2 mesin (mesin ekor) mengalami kegagalan disk kipas uncontained di penerbangan yang pecah saluran hidrolik kritis, para kru, yang dipimpin oleh Kapten Al Haynes dan dibantu oleh pilot senior terbang sebagai penumpang (Dennis E. "Denny" Fitch) , melakukan pendaratan darurat dengan memvariasikan kekuatan mesin tersisa untuk mengendalikan pesawat. The crew managed to fly the aircraft onto the runway in a partially controlled manner and 185 of the 296 people on board survived. Para awak berhasil menerbangkan pesawat ke landasan di sebagian terkendali dan 185 dari 296 penumpang selamat. The aircraft was destroyed in the landing attempt. Pesawat hancur dalam pendaratan.

The Sioux City crash concerned investigators because the total loss of hydraulic pressure aboard the DC-10 was considered nearly impossible. The Sioux City penyelidik kecelakaan prihatin karena hilangnya total tekanan hidrolik pesawat DC-10 ini dianggap hampir mustahil. The design had lines from all three independent and redundant hydraulic systems in close proximity, directly beneath the #2 (tail) engine. Desain sudah garis dari ketiga independen dan sistem hidrolik dekat, secara langsung di bawah # 2 (ekor) mesin. Debris from the #2 fan disk separation failure penetrated all three lines resulting in total loss of control to the elevators, ailerons and rudder. [ 34 ] Puing dari disk # 2 kipas pemisahan gagal menembus semua tiga baris total yang mengakibatkan hilangnya kontrol ke lift, ailerons dan rudder. [34]

The locking flap mechanisms were designed to maintain their position in the event of a hydraulic failure. Flap mekanisme penguncian dirancang untuk mempertahankan posisi mereka dalam hal terjadi kegagalan hidrolik. Later DC-10s and the MD-11 incorporated hydraulic fuses to prevent such catastrophic loss of control in event of a hydraulic rupture. [ 35 ] Kemudian DC-10s dan MD-11 yang tergabung hidrolik sekering untuk mencegah bencana seperti hilangnya kontrol dalam acara hidrolik pecah. [35]

Lain kecelakaan dan insiden terkenal

Other notable incidents and accidents involving the DC-10 are listed below. Terkenal lainnya yang melibatkan insiden dan kecelakaan DC-10 yang tercantum di bawah ini.

The Air France Concorde crash of 2000 was attributed to a fragment of titanium that fell from the thrust reverser of a Continental Airlines DC-10 that had taken off some four minutes earlier. The Air France Concorde crash tahun 2000 ini disebabkan oleh sebuah fragmen dari titanium yang jatuh dari sebuah reverser dorong Continental Airlines DC-10 yang telah melepas sekitar empat menit sebelumnya. This fragment was traced to a third party parts replacement which had not been approved by the FAA . Fragmen ini dijiplak kepada pihak ketiga bagian pengganti yang belum disetujui oleh FAA.


Biman Bangladesh DC-10-30 with landing gear extended Biman Bangladesh DC-10-30 dengan landing gear diperpanjang

On January 8, 2007, Northwest Airlines retired its last remaining DC-10 being used for scheduled passenger service, replacing it with an Airbus A330 for a route between Minneapolis-St. Pada tanggal 8 Januari 2007, Northwest Airlines pensiun yang terakhir tersisa DC-10 yang digunakan untuk layanan penumpang terjadwal, menggantikannya dengan sebuah Airbus A330 untuk rute antara Minneapolis-St. Paul and Honolulu , [ 38 ] thus ending the aircraft operations with all major airlines. Paul dan Honolulu, [38] dengan demikian mengakhiri operasi pesawat dengan semua maskapai besar. Regarding the retirement of Northwest's DC-10 fleet, Wade Blaufuss, spokesman for the Northwest chapter of the Air Line Pilots Association said, "The DC-10 is a reliable airplane, fun to fly, roomy and quiet, kind of like flying an old Cadillac Fleetwood . We're sad to see an old friend go." [ 39 ] "The DC-10 is going to be remembered as a better cargo plane than passenger plane," said Richard Aboulafia, an analyst with the Teal Group. [ 39 ] In November 2006, ATA Airlines announced it had purchased seven of Northwest's remaining DC-10s, to replace ATA's L-1011 airplanes. Omni Air International purchased six of Northwest's DC-10 aircraft. [ 40 ] Mengenai pensiun Northwest's DC-10 armada, Blaufuss Wade, juru bicara bab Northwest Air Line Pilots Association mengatakan, "DC-10 adalah pesawat yang handal, menyenangkan untuk terbang, lapang dan tenang, seperti terbang jenis tua Cadillac Fleetwood. Kami sedang sedih melihat seorang teman lama pergi. "[39]" DC-10 akan dikenang sebagai pesawat kargo yang lebih baik daripada pesawat penumpang, "kata Richard Aboulafia, seorang analis dari Teal Group. [ 39] Pada bulan November 2006, ATA Airlines mengumumkan telah membeli tujuh yang tersisa di Northwest DC-10s, untuk menggantikan ATA's L-1011 pesawat terbang. Omni Air International dibeli enam Northwest's DC-10 pesawat. [40]

The aging models are now largely being used as dedicated freight aircraft. Model penuaan sekarang sebagian besar digunakan sebagai pesawat kargo khusus. American Airlines and United Airlines have sold their large DC-10-10 fleets to cargo carrier FedEx. American Airlines dan United Airlines telah menjual besar DC-10-10 armada untuk operator kargo FedEx. Many have been modernized to MD-10s by adding a glass cockpit , which eliminates the need for a flight engineer. Banyak yang telah dimodernisasi untuk MD-10s dengan menambahkan kaca kokpit, yang menghilangkan perlunya insinyur penerbangan. Other DC-10 aircraft continue in charter and cargo services with their three-person flight deck configuration. Lain pesawat DC-10 piagam dan melanjutkan layanan kargo dengan tiga orang kokpit konfigurasi. Omni Air International and World Airways , continue to operate the DC-10 on charter passenger services as well as for the Air Mobility Command . Biman Bangladesh Airlines operates five DC-10-30s as one of their primary passenger aircraft as of 2009. [ 41 ] Omni Air International dan World Airways, terus mengoperasikan DC-10 pada penumpang charter jasa serta bagi Komando Mobilitas Udara. Biman Bangladesh Airlines mengoperasikan lima DC-10-30-an sebagai salah satu pesawat penumpang utama mereka pada 2009. [41 ]

The Orbis DC-10 Flying Eye Hospital, February 2009 The Orbis DC-10 Flying Eye Hospital, February 2009

Non-airline operators include the Royal Netherlands Air Force with three DC-10-30CFs converted to KDC-10 flying tankers, the USAF with its 59 KC-10, the 10 Tanker Air Carrier with its modified DC-10-10 used for fighting wildfires, [ 42 ] and Orbis International , which uses a single DC-10-10 converted into a flying eye hospital. Non-operator maskapai penerbangan termasuk Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Belanda dengan tiga DC-10-30CFs dikonversikan ke KDC-10 terbang tanker, USAF dengan 59 KC-10, 10 Tanker Air Carrier dengan diubah DC-10-10 digunakan untuk memerangi kebakaran hutan, [42] dan Orbis Internasional, yang menggunakan satu DC-10-10 diubah menjadi rumah sakit mata terbang. Surgery is performed on the ground (not in flight) and the operating room is located between the wings for maximum stability. [ 43 ] Pembedahan dilakukan di tanah (tidak dalam penerbangan) dan ruang operasi terletak antara sayap untuk stabilitas maksimum. [43]

As of July 2009, there were 150 DC-10s in service with commercial operators, including FedEx Express (85), Omni Air International (12), World Airways (12), Arrow Cargo (7), Cielos Airlines (5), Avient Aviation (4), Biman Bangladesh Airlines (4) and others with fewer aircraft. [ 44 ] Pada Juli 2009, ada 150 DC-10s dalam pelayanan dengan operator komersial, termasuk FedEx Express (85), Omni Air International (12), World Airways (12), Arrow Cargo (7), Cielos Airlines (5), Avient Aviation (4), Biman Bangladesh Airlines (4) dan lain-lain dengan lebih sedikit pesawat. [44]


DC-10-10 DC-10-10 DC-10-15 DC-10-15 DC-10-30 DC-10-30 DC-10-40 DC-10-40
Cockpit crew Kokpit kru Three Tiga
Passengers Penumpang 380 (1 class), 250 (2 class) 380 (1 kelas), 250 (2 kelas)
Cargo (freighter variant) Cargo (kargo varian) 22 LD7 pallets 22 LD7 palet 23 LD7 pallets 23 LD7 palet
Fuselage length Pesawat Panjang 170 ft 6 in (51.97 m) 170 ft 6 in (51,97 m)
Height Ketinggian 58 ft 1 in (17.7 m) 58 ft 1 in (17,7 m)
Wingspan Wingspan 155 ft 4 in (47.34 m) 155 ft 4 in (47,34 m) 165 ft 4 in (50.4 m) 165 ft 4 in (50,4 m)
Fuselage width Pesawat width 19 ft 9 in (6.02 m) 19 ft 9 in (6,02 m)
Fuselage height Pesawat tinggi 19 ft 9 in (6.02 m) 19 ft 9 in (6,02 m)
Max interior width Max interior width 18 ft 2 in (5.54 m) 18 ft 2 in (5.54 m)
Operating empty weight Berat kosong operasi 240,171 lb (108,940 kg) £ 240.171 (108.940 kg) 266,191 lb (120,742 kg) £ 266.191 (120.742 kg) 270,213 lb (122,567 kg) £ 270.213 (122.567 kg)
Maximum take-off weight Maksimum take-off berat 430,000 lb £ 430,000
(195,045 kg) (195.045 kg)
455,000 lb £ 455,000
(206,385 kg) (206.385 kg)
572,000 lb £ 572,000
(259,459 kg) (259.459 kg)
555,000 lb £ 555,000
(251,701 kg) (251.701 kg)
Typical cruise speed Khas kecepatan pelayaran Mach 0.82 Mach 0.82
(564 mph, 908 km/h, 490 kt) (564 mph, 908 km / h, 490 kt)
Max cruise speed Max cruise speed Mach 0.88 Mach 0,88
(610 mph, 982 km/h, 530 kt) (610 mph, 982 km / h, 530 kt)
Max range, loaded Max range, dimuat 3,800 miles (6,114 km) 3.800 mil (6.114 km) 4,350 mi (7,000 km) 4.350 mi (7.000 km) 6,220 mi (10,010 km) 6.220 ² (10.010 km) 5,750 mi (9,252 km) 5.750 mi (9.252 km)
Maximum fuel capacity Maksimum kapasitas bahan bakar 21,700 US gal 21.700 US gal
(82,134 L) (82.134 L)
26,647 US gal 26.647 US gal
(100,859 L) (100.859 L)
36,650 US gal 36.650 US gal
(138,720 L) (138.720 L)
36,650 US gal 36.650 US gal
(138,720 L) (138.720 L)
Takeoff run on MTOW Lepas landas pada MTOW 8,612 ft (2,625 m) 8.612 kaki (2.625 m) 7,257 ft (2,212 m) 7.257 kaki (2.212 m) 9,341 ft (2,847 m) 9.341 kaki (2.847 m) 9,242 ft (2,817 m) 9.242 kaki (2.817 m)
Service ceiling Atap servis 42,000 ft (12,802 m) 42.000 kaki (12.802 m)
Engine model (x 3) Mesin model (x 3) GE CF6-6D GE CF6-6D GE CF6-50C2F GE CF6-50C2F GE CF6-50C GE CF6-50c PW JT9D-59A PW JT9D-59A
Engine thrust (x 3) Mesin dorong (x 3) 40,000 lbf (177.9 kN) 40.000 lbf (177,9 kN) 46,500 lbf (206.8 kN) 46.500 lbf (206,8 kN) 51,000 lbf (226.9 kN) 51.000 lbf (226,9 kN) 53,000 lbf (235.8 kN) 53.000 lbf (235,8 kN)
Sources: DC-10 manufacturer data, [ 7 ] [ 45 ] DC-10 airport report, [ 46 ] Airliners.net, [ 47 ] and Flight International. [ 48 ] Sumber: DC-10 produsen data, [7] [45] DC-10 bandara laporan, [46] Airliners.net, [47] dan Penerbangan Internasional. [48]


1971 1971 1972 1972 1973 1973 1974 1974 1975 1975 1976 1976 1977 1977 1978 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 1981 1981 1982 1982 1983 1983 1984 1984 1985 1985 1986 1986 1987 1987 1988 1988 1989 1989 Total Total
13 13 52 52 57 57 48 48 42 42 19 19 14 14 18 18 36 36 40 40 25 25 11 11 12 12 10 10 11 11 17 17 10 10 10 10 1 1 446 446

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